Our "Why"
Glamorizing the use of drugs and alcohol is so prevalent
in our society tooday. Substance use is promoted in our
music, movies, social media, video games, schools, com-
munities and families. Recent statistics reveal that
forty percent of ten year olds have already had their
first drink.
Marijuana is now legal in most states and can easily be
delivered directly to the home. Street drugs coming
across our southern borders are having a deadly effect
on our society, leading to a significant increase in
overdose deaths.
Documented research shows that early use of addictive
substances impedes brain development in children and
increases the risk of addiction in the future. Lastly,
child abuse, domestic violence and family separations
can be linked directly to substance abuse.

January 6, 1975 - July 31, 2005
Colin is the true inspiration behind BISKIDS. He was always full of life, laughter, fun and joy! Colin could always be heard saying, “I’ll be your Huckleberry!”
He was great at sports; music; surfing; and writing. Anything Colin wanted to do came very easy. He was a generous, loving, kind and thoughtful man, son, husband and father.
When someone you love
becomes a memory...
the memory becomes
a treasure.

He had a nature you could not help loving
And a heart that was purer than gold
And to those who knew him and loved him
His memory will always be bold.
We always want to remember the love!
No one knows how much we miss you,
No one knows the bitter pain
We have suffered since we lost you,
Life has never been the same.
In our hearts your memory lingers,
Sweetly tender, fond and true.
There is not a day, sweet Colin
That we do not think of you.
Just a line of sweet remembrance,
Just a memory, fond and true,
Just a token of love's devotion
That our hearts still longs for you.
Memory drifts to scenes long past,
Time rolls on, but memories last;
Sunshine passes, shadows fall,
Love's remembrance outlasts all.
Nothing can ever take away
The love a heart holds dear,
Fond memories linger every day,
Remembrance keeps him near.

To honor you, I get up every day and take a breath.
And start another day without you in it.
To honor you, I laugh and love with those who knew your smile.
And the way your eyes twinkled with mischief and secret knowledge.
To honor you, I take the time to appreciate everyone I love.
I know now there is no guarantee of days or hours spent in their presence.
To honor you, I listen to music you would have liked.
And sing at the top of my lungs with the windows rolled down.
To honor you I take chances, say what I feel, hold nothing back.
Risk making a fool of myself, dance every dance.
You were my light, my heart, my gift of love, from the very highest source.
So every day, I vow to make a difference, share a smile, live, laugh, and love.
Now I live for both of us, so all I do, I do to honor you.
- Connie F. Kiefer Byrd